Friday 21 March 2014

Day 119: The Savages Episode 1

Once again, the Doctor is already known to the people of this planet. Which is remarkably interesting, because previously the Doctor has only been known to a handful of species, mainly those with less than kind intentions. But these people appear to be benevolent, and hold no grudge against the Doctor, they are, in effect, the first Doctor Who fans, keen to hear his opinions on their society for he is a well respected individual. And from now on, things will be slightly different. A precedent has been set for the Doctor's actions to not just have consequences for villainous empires that he has toppled, but also for observers of his work, and this means that he is making an impact within the course of the history of the universe. It draws to mind the outcome of The Wedding of River Song, where the Doctor resolves to remove himself from history, and to not be noticed as much. Because we've now been introduced to a story where a known figure is called in to fix things, but the story of the unknown man who travels in a magic box who travels to places and goes on an adventure is far more interesting. But we'll see how this story unfolds first, realising that with every first must come a last.

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