Sunday 9 March 2014

Day 107: The Steel Sky

We've arrived on a space ship 10,000,000 years into the future, who are escaping Earth as it's going to be destroyed quite soon. However, the Doctor and co., or more specifically our newest companion, Dodo, has given the ship a cold, which is causing them all to die out due to their lack of immunity to this disease. It's an interesting idea, where we acknowledge that in the future, we are deemed to forget our past, and with it the lessons that we learnt then when we were more foolish. But then again, this message is inherently flawed. Because, for a start, this society seems more enlightened, they appear to have achieved racial harmony with another species on their vessel, the Monoids, and for the first time in a while, their leader seems to be open, and indeed welcoming, towards the idea that time travellers are making a visit. Also, there is the fact that sometimes, we have to face the fact that history has been going on for a while and sometimes we need to acknowledge that we will forget the past, mainly because it happened a while ago. Ask yourself whether you are aware of events that took place 10,000,000 years ago. Either you don't know what was happening then, or what was happening eas far too primitive for us to learn much from that period. Which begs the question, which is what do we look like to them? We might think of ourselves as reasonably sophisticated, but we must be cavemen to the people living here, 10,000,000 years hence.

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