Sunday 16 March 2014

Day 114: The Final Test

The final game that Steven and Dodo are put through is a twisted version of Snakes and Ladders, with electrified floors and the like. However, there is a major problem with this, in that there is no strategy to be had with Snakes and Ladders, it is instead a game of chance. It's why their opponent comes across so well here, because even though he blatantly cheats and causes problems for the two companions, he is attempting to implement some sort of strategy. He has spotted the trick to winning the game, not to play by the rules, but to amend them as you go to allow for a more fun experience. In some ways, this sums up the complete adventure, The Celestial Toymaker. It is an adventure where rules are set out, and the outcome is often left to chance more than our heroes' intelligence. And whilst the adventure is reasonably entertaining, you are left empty inside, because our heroes didn't do anything interesting, they just took part in things that seem interesting, but they have no impact on the eventual outcome. Like Snakes and Ladders, it may seem like a cool game to play, but when you realise that there's no strategy to it, it loses its charm.

Meanwhile, the Trilogic game is incredibly interesting, and I will come back to that in the future. Yes, I know that tomorrow I'm going to start a new adventure, and the Trilogic game doesn't appear at all in the future of Doctor Who, but at some point in the future, there will be something on this blog about the Trilogic game. As for now, We've still Got Work To Do.

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