Saturday 28 December 2013

Day 36: A Desperate Venture

One of the plot threads that has driven this story has been the poisoning of the water of the Sensorites, and this story features the realisation of it. It has in fact been done by a group of humans, who were driven mad and went to war with the Sensorites, without the Sensorites actually realising that they were at war with them, and thus they kept on being poisoned without any idea why. The thing that is most noticeable when we first meet these men is that their leader has a very strong upper-class accent, bringing to mind the days of Empire, when we went out and taught the natives a thing or two, had a few minor wars, and at the end of it all, gained a country for the commonwealth. And that is one of the most interesting things about this story, that at the end of the day, we're the bad guys. There is an attempt at hand-waving away the reasoning for this by saying that their minds were warped, but there is no denying that the intention is still there. There exists a concept known as 'race memory' where subconsciously you are able to remember key memories, ideas and thoughts from your ancestors, as part of some hypothetical 'collective unconscious'. And so these concepts of Empire are still, according to this thinking, a part of us, and there is still the concept that it may cone back. It's a horrible thought and one of the reasons why interstellar travel and meeting other races may be a bad idea, because how long will it be before The Empire Strikes Back?

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