Friday 20 December 2013

Day 29: The Bride of Sacrifice

The Doctor, upon being informed that he is now engaged
In this adventure, each character gets their own plot line which interweaves with the others at key moments. It's a fun concept, and it's nice to see what each character gets up to over the course of the adventure. Ian finds himself having to fight for his life, Barbara puts herself at odds with Aztec culture, Susan is forced to learn about Aztec teachings and the Doctor accidentally gets engaged. It's the last plot-line that's the most fun, because it's nice to see the show go into a slightly more comedic route after the comparatively serious plots that we've had before. William Hartnell also excels at comic acting, he is easily able to play his accidental engagement well, not realising until it's far too late what he's done, at which point he gives the face seen above, one of the truly great moments in Doctor Who history. It's nice to see how far we've come with the character of the Doctor as well. Just under a month ago, he was not a likeable figure, constantly putting himself at odds with the other members of the crew. Now he's able to be more loveable, and we're able to actually enjoy his scenes, because he is now recognisably the Doctor.

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