Friday 6 December 2013

Day 15: The Singing Sands

This serial is, as of this moment (and my knowledge), missing from the BBC archives. This means that I am watching a reconstruction of each episode, comprising of photographs from the episode, and the accompanying soundtrack. Whilst it is just still images with people talking over them, it still manages to be an entertaining experience as we watch the events take place. Because thanks to this, we are at least able to see some of the work that actually went into the project, instead of being left to imagine it for ourselves. Because the design work on this is far more than what you world normally think could be achieved on a 1960's budget, and much praise must go to the designer Barry Newbury and Daphne Dare, who provided costumes. Each set feels immaculately realized, and it never looks as if no effort has been put into it. Take for instance the chess set above, which looks beautiful. The craftsmanship on this is something that can't quite be appreciated by just listening to the soundtrack.

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