Sunday 13 December 2015

Day 725: Smith and Jones

'Smith and Jones' is thoroughly interesting because of the way in which it's set up. Acting as the first episode of Tennant's second series, it also introduces his next companion, a student Doctor by the name of Martha Jones. This introduction is handled reasonably differently to the previous companion introduction in 'Rose', and with good reason, as shall be discussed in this entry.

'Smith and Jones' is a counterpoint to 'Rose' because of the fact that it's effectively working with a different audience. With 'Rose', the assumption was made that the audience would not be familiar with Doctor Who, and so the decision was made to place the action firmly in the companion's eyes, as they discover about the series. 'Smith and Jones', however, is broadcasting to an audience that is already familiar with the series. As such, there isn't as much of a need to introduce the programme to the audience, instead the focus is placed on introducing the programme to Martha, and Martha to the programme.

A vast amount of the serial is focussed on her character, from the opening shots as we're introduced to her hectic family life, to the climactic scene as she saves the day by coming to the logical conclusion to the Doctor's plan. And so this helps us as an audience get to grips with the character; we know her strengths, we can differentiate her from Rose (Martha is a bit more intelligent than Rose, but she lacks the deep chemistry that existed between Rose and the Doctor). But equally so, it acts as an introductory story for Martha to get to grips with the sorts of adventures she can expect with the Doctor. Whilst being a basic romp, there's an awful lot of danger and running up and down corridors within it, enough to give her the adrenaline rush that accompanies the adventures that the Doctor and co. have.

So by the end of the story, you feel as if Martha is not only perfectly suited to being a companion, you're surprised she isn't one already. She's shown wit and intelligence as she's fought off the alien Plasmavore, and more than that, she's been incredibly likeable throughout the adventure. All in all, we can welcome Martha Jones to the TARDIS, and we can look forward to the next collection of adventures that we'll be having with her.

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