Saturday 27 December 2014

Day 400: Revenge of the Cybermen Part 3

Day 400. Time to look back on how far we've come. Except unfortunately things have, shall we say, gone a little differently to how I'd like. Revenge of the Cybermen is a story written by Gerry Davis, former script editor from the Troughton era and co-creator of the Cybermen. It was commissioned by the previous production team of Barry Letts and Terrance Dicks to draw in viewers with a returning monster. Thus, its difficult to say how far we've come when the story is surrounded by the way in which we used to do things.

That said, we can still see some elements of change. The show isn't afraid to be scarier (c.f. yesterday's entry on the Cybermats) and it isn't afraid to try new things (such as the score by Carey Blyton which provides an interesting atmosphere to the piece). But this is all held back by the fact that this story isn't that good. It's not horrendously bad, just forgettable. It's disappointing that this had to be the story that we celebrate 400 episodes for, but this still shows that there is room for improvement and that we can look upwards as Doctor Who continues for around 400 more episodes.

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