Friday 17 October 2014

Day 329: The Time Monster Episode 6

A couple of days ago, I was having a chat with my Dad. Over the course of the conversation, I mentioned the relatively poor quality of The Time Monster, pointing out the terrible special effects and plot in particular. I was then surprised to learn that my Dad is actually quite the Time Monster fan, as he attempted a defence of this rather poor story. This inspired me to try and find some more good points to talk about with regards to The Time Monster, which was actually easier than I thought. What follows, then, is Three Good Things About The Time Monster (Specifically Episode Six)

1. Kronos. Kronos is of course a poorly regarded monster, because of a remarkably conceived design. However, the conclusion to this story has Kronos as they were always meant to be. An all powerful and inconceivable figure that appears to exist outside of any sort of normal reality itself. They're something odd and strange, able to change their shape at will. To become a destroyer or a creator. A monster of fear or a dominating figure of beauty. This is showing the true power of the original Greek Myths, and shows that there was perhaps some respect paid to the original source material.

2. The Daisiest Daisy. Sometimes there'll be padding like we looked at in Episode 4. It doesn't really do anything to advance the plot and leaves you with a feeling of boredom. But sometimes there can be beautiful and joyous padding, such as this. It's a simple little scene that survives purely because of Jon Pertwee's charm as the Doctor, telling us a beautiful story about perspective and dark days. This scene may come from a less than spectacular episode, but it does have its charm and certainly forms a highlight of the entire series so far.

3. NAKED BENTON! Sergeant Benton also turns into a baby previously in this story, such that when he is returned to his proper age he is found to be naked. I don't think I need to elaborate on why this moment is a highlight of The Time Monster

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