Thursday 30 January 2014

Day 69: The Dimensions of Time

The Doctor in a Victorian bathing costume,
feel glad that he didn't think of more modern swimwear
After the initial weirdness of the first episode, which was all to do with time and other such fourth dimensional fun, we now settle into what will form the rest of the plot of this serial, revolving around the Space Museum itself. And whilst this may be seen as a disappointment by some, the major thing to be missed is how funny this episode actually is. For a start, you have the Doctor and co.'s first major obstacle. They're lost, mainly due to the fact that all the corridors look the same, and they can never tell where they are at any given moment. Which is a hilarious idea, because it's subverting one of the perceived tropes of Doctor Who, that all the corridors look the same, and that it's all just running up and down the aforementioned corridors. And what is being shown here, is that the writers are recognising this fact and implementing it. And whilst it was done in the series' second serial, The Daleks, to horrifying effect with it feeling as if everything is closing in upon you, here because the corridors are wider, and there aren't many scenes with just one person, that is to say, there is always someone to talk to in every scene, it feels less scary, and gives more opportunity for humour to arise from other factors such as dialogue, and situation, such as the events leading up to the cliffhanger, where the Doctor has his mind probed by a machine, however he manages to fool it into thinking all sorts of various pieces of nonsense, such as what can be seen above, where the Doctor is seen in a Victorian bathing costume. Silly, yes, but sometimes silliness isn't such a bad thing.

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