Sunday 12 January 2014

Day 52: The Powerful Enemy

Without Susan, the programme continues on. It's slightly more sure of itself, and it's able to have fun with the TARDIS crew, their opening scene is one of the more fun scenes we've had, the Doctor is not as grumpy with his companions, instead seeing them as friends whom he travels with, sharing jokes with them as they get over losing Susan. It's obvious that Susan's departure has affected the Doctor, he feels a tinge of sadness when he asks for Susan to open the doors, only to realise that she isn't there any more, but Ian and Barbara are here to help him get through this, as they discover new worlds and surroundings.

Speaking of the new, we say hello to our new companion, Vicki. Despite being from the future, she is far more relatable to the audience than Susan, being upbeat, friendly and normal. She's also braver than Susan, which is a welcome addition. When Vicki encounters the villainous Koquillion, she doesn't scream in terror, choosing instead to calmly do what he requires of her, still afraid, but doing what needs to be done despite that fear. Contrast this with Susan in The Reign of Terror, where her primary motive was to scream her head off at being captured again and again, while Barbara acts as the only sane woman, and formulates plans. So, whilst losing Susan is sad, Vicki looks as if she will be someone to look forward to as we continue our adventures in the TARDIS.

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